This page is a portal to websites created by Peter Fortune
Research Blogs
Science and Mathematics
The Special Theory of Relativity
Quantum Mechanics: Foundations, Concepts, Applications, and Information
Meteorology: A Short Course
Number Theory
Economics and Finance*
OnLine Seminars on Economic and Finance History
The History
of Economic Ideas
Financial Regulation
Financial Crises: 1636 – 2000 The Financial Crisis of 2008-2009
Fortune Family History
William Fortune (1863-1942)
Evelyn Fortune Bartlett
Robert Fortune (1919-1973) and the 6th Bomb Group in
the Pacific Air War
Please send questions or comments to webmaster @ (ignore spaces)
* Peter Fortune received his Ph. D. in Economics from Harvard University in 1973. He was an economics professor at Harvard (1973-1977) and at Tufts University (1977-1995), where he chaired the Economics Department for several years. From 1995 until he retired in 2005 he served as Senior Economist and Advisor to the Director of Research at the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, where his research was in the area of financial risk management. He has published in the areas of Financial Markets and Financial Institutions, State and Local Government Finance, Macroeconomics, Federal Reserve policy, and Derivative Securities.